
The objective of EPIPLANT 2022 is to gather the scientific community working on plant epigenetics, chromatin organization and transgenerational inheritance in the frame of the French CNRS EPIPLANT Groupement de Recherche (GdR).

This Symposium will bring together around 100 participants in a rather informal atmosphere to promote scientific exchanges at the regional, national and international levels. Our goal is to offer an attractive and ambitious program at a moderate inscription fee, which will give the opportunity to researchers - in particular those at the early stage of their career to present their work and to participate in an exciting and high-quality scientific event with prestigious speakers.

Registration and abstract submission deadline: March 31st 2022 

The organizers - Guillaume Moissiard and Frederic Pontvianne (LGDP, Perpignan)

The local scientific committee  - Natacha Bies-Ethève, Avilien Dard, Jean-Marc Deragon, Lucas Jarry, Marie Mirouze, Guillaume Moissiard, Nathalie Picault, Frederic Pontvianne and Abirami Soundiramourtty

The local organizers - Delphine Lignon, Joelle Vigier, Elisabeth Goetschy and Marie-Christine Carpentier

The GDR committee - Fredy Barneche, Moussa Benhamed, Nicolas Bouché, Martin Crespi and Jean Molinier

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